Any one who knows me, knows that I spent many years hiding in my masculine energy. I felt strong if I didn’t accept help, if I could avoid connection by deflecting conversation with banter and didn’t surrender in my relationships. I felt weak if I wore dresses or makeup, as though being perceived as feminine lowered my strength. I felt like if I didn’t try to be attractive, I couldn’t be compared to other females as a ‘girl’. I fought against being soft, to prove that I was tough. What I didn’t realise was that I was fighting a losing battle.

It wasn’t until a day that I sat with a female who was so comfortable in her feminine energy, that I understood its strength. She wasn’t strong because of her ability to run fast, pick up heavy things or do everything herself. She was strong because she had nothing to hide and nothing to prove. It is strong to receive, strong to nurture and strong to be soft. A woman who is comfortable in her feminine radiates strength, that until that point I had only ever associated as being masculine.

What I have learnt since that day, is that presence of your feminine energy, does not mean the absence of your masculine energy.

Feminine and masculine energy are not gender specific and Like yin and yang, are one in the same. Both males and females have full access to both energies, and subconsciously embody both throughout each day.

Masculine energy is doing and achieving. It is your logical, Firm, rational, giving, protective and competitive energy. You’ll see your masculine energy come out when you are in need of willpower, focus and structure. This may be in a role of leadership at work, when making hard decisions or learning a new skill.

Your feminine energy is being. It is your intuition, nurturing, creativity, receiving and sensuality. You’ll see your feminine energy come out when you are playful, soft, caring, humble and receptive. We need our feminine energy to maintain a work life balance. It shows itself when you make sure others are warm and fed, when you express yourself through art or music ad when you listen to those around you.

Where we need leaders, we also need receivers. Where we need structure, we also need playfulness. By embracing both of my divine energies I have stopped fighting against my feminine self. I am no longer competing, I am embracing.

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