If you have found your way to this blog, I applaud you for searching for these answers.

For listening to your inner spiritual being and for allowing your soul to chase after what will truly bring fulfilment to your life.

The universe is a cosmic force, made of the Sacred Masculine and the Divine Feminine. These divine powers work in harmony with each other – Yin and Yang. The Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine are the energies that connect and bind the earth together, and energies that we each individually possess. When these energies are out of balance, so are our lives. A person who is channelling or specifically focusing on one and not the other will feel overwhelmed, restless and unfulfilled.

The Divine Feminine, or Yin Energy, is the feminine half of the divine power. She controls the intuitive side of our spirit, and is the creator of the goddess energy that exists within all of us. 

The Divine Feminine is not assigned to a gender, nor is the Sacred Masculine. Every human is composed of both masculine and feminine energy, Yin and Yang. We need both of these energies to be balanced within our bodies to find energetic harmony.   

However, while the Divine Feminine knows no gender, humanity has created its own divide. We have split our masculine and feminine energy into two, and tend to associate masculine and feminine as being male or female. We have left our energies in a constant state of flux as we’ve adapted to our modern (more masculine) way of living. This action oriented and demanding way of living has suppressed the Divine Feminine, and associated masculine energy with being successful. We have put worth on doing vs being, and lost much of our intuitive, connective and creative enjoyment in life.

When a Divine Feminine is being true to their nature, they are compassionate and loving, a mother and protector, a healer and a peace maker. They allude confidence and are open to receiving, they are soothing and spread warmth. They are intuitive, empowered and divinely connected to Mother Earth. A person in their Divine Feminine is open to their sensuality and sexual nature.

However being divinely feminine is more than just how you act, you can present all of the above traits and still be out of balance. The ‘divine’ in the Divine Feminine comes from the merge and divine union between the great mother and great father. It is the integration of the masculine and feminine, that creates the truly Divine Feminine. When the Divine Feminine is in harmony with the Sacred Masculine she is emphasised and able to be authentically expressed. 

I hope I’ve been able to shed light on the start of your journey to understanding the Divine Feminine and your goddess within. If you are still left with more questions, I encourage you to leave your comments below!

I’ll see you at my next post – 10 Ways You Are Already Showing Divine Feminine Energy.

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