It’s easy to focus on all of the ways we still want to grow, but sometimes we need to sit back and congratulate ourselves on all of the ways we HAVE grown.

Below are 10 of the ways, you might already be showing Divine Feminine Energy in your life.

1. You Are Warm and Welcoming

You are a caretaker of those around you, and show your warmth by being accepting and embracing of others. You’re a host in all situations and naturally put people at ease. You might be the person who invites a shy outsider into your group, listens to those around you (genuinely and without planning your response), or perhaps you take the time to shine light on others by giving them praise.

2. You Are In Touch With Your Emotions

You allow yourself to indulge in self-reflection. Our Divine Feminine is emotional, and by taking time to ground and connect with ourselves we are able to move through the world more intentionally and harmoniously. You may already be doing this by taking time to write in a journal, practicing mediation/yoga, or trusting your intuition.

3. You Are Affectionate

You are open to sharing your feelings with others, or creating space for them to share theirs. You are conscious of your love language and the love languages of those around you, and are known as someone who offers quality time to those around them. You might do this in person, or by being the first to pick up the phone for a call, or send a simple ‘good morning’ or ‘I’m thinking of you’ message. Engaging in physical touch is another Divinely Feminine way you may already be showing your affection, by offering hugs, handholding and other positive touch.

4. You Are Wise

You value your education and experiences, and see the growth and benefit in exposing yourself to things outside of your comfort zone. But at the same time you have intellectual and epistemic humility, by recognising the limits of your knowledge. You might already be known as someone who is curious, asks questions and listens intently. Or shows wisdom by lifting others up, and keeping an open mind in all scenarios you encounter on your journey.

5. You Take Care Of Yourself

You practice self love and see the beauty in yourself. You might already be showing self-care by taking time in nature to reconnect with Mother Earth, grounding yourself, prioritising your wellbeing by honouring your body’s need for rest or movement, feeding your body with nourishing foods, or surrounding yourself with people who fill your cup rather than taking from it.

6. You Use Your Intuition As A Guide

You take time to be silent and listen to your inner voice. You might already meditate, journal, express yourself through drawing and art, or have a dream journal to connect with your subconscious. You may be the person who doesn’t over think and trusts your gut instinct.

7. You’re Nurturing And Compassionate

You hold a safe space for those around you, and are attentive and generous with your time. Your nurturing and compassionate personality might show through your interactions with friends and family as you take one the Mother archetype. You might show nurture by always making sure that your guests are comfortable and fed, taking the time to grow your garden and plants, or investing yourself in a new project.

8. You Are Comfortable With Your Inner Darkness

You have done shadow work and show up authentically as the full version of yourself, shadow and all. You’ve already started your shadow work journey if you’ve sought out therapy or personally found and observed your triggers and allowed yourself to embrace the emotions that they surface.

9. You Are Comfortable With Cycles And Changes

You’re also aware of your contribution to them. Life is constantly fluctuating and you keep yourself present and fluid. You are aware that you can not control the situation, only your reaction to it.

10. You Are Forgiving, Understanding And Accepting

This is both to yourself and others. You are empathetic and able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes to see things from their perspectives. You ask instead of assuming and can make peace with answers that don’t align with your own opinions.

You are divinely you, and possess the ability to encompass all of your unique Divine Feminine energy and traits. Explore the different ways that your personal Divine Feminine energy presents itself in your life, explore your intuitive side, your shadows and self-care. Where do these present themselves and how can you nurture them further.

Thank you for being here with me today and for continuing to explore your Divine Feminine power.

I’ll see you in my next blog post – 6 Ways To Connect To Your Divine Feminine.

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